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Setting the default font for iReport 3.0.0


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I have reviewed several messages regarding default font.  One message links to JasperReports Configuration Reference, which further leads to Report Filling - net.sf.jasperreports.default.font.name. 
Can anyone explain how this is done?  I have tried to locate a file to set the default value, but have not had any luck.  I opened IReportFont.java and made some changes there:
/*    static public final String  DEFAULT_REPORT_FONT = "";*/
   static public final String  DEFAULT_REPORT_FONT = "Arial";
/*    static public final String  DEFAULT_FONT_NAME = "SansSerif";*/
   static public final String  DEFAULT_FONT_NAME = "Arial";
, but it did not impact the font when creating a new report. 

I'm new to Jasper/iReport and would appreciate any help with setting the default font to arial.

Thank You. Chris

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This must be a difficult task. In most programs, it is fairly straightforward. I'll continue to dig, if I find anything, I'll update this post. In Crystal, there is an options>default font area where you simply select the font/size you desire. This does not appear to exist in iReport.
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This is more of an iReport problem and shold be reported there. I'm pretty sure that future version of iR will have a dialog letting you set those. Until then, what you can do is to put a jasperreports.properties file in the classpath of iR. It lets you add folders to the classpath in its Options dialog.


Adding this file to the classpath would probably require an iR restart.


I hope this helps.



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