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group attribute isStartNewColumn="true" problem.


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HI Everyone,

In a report i hav a group called dummy , for this group i set    isStartNewColumn="true"  , like below

    <group name="dummy" isStartNewColumn="true">

in the group detail i put a field ( $F{DIET_NAME} ), it returns 3 values from the DB.

so the first 2 returned values are getting dispalyed in the first page and the 3 rd record is diaplayed on the 2nd page even though the page height is more than the detail band height.

Here i want to display the 3 rd recod also in the first page itself below the first 2 records. How to set this ? the version of iReports which i am using is 3.1.4.

Please see the attchment of jrxml file.

Any help would be greatful.............


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Your TextField is by design 26pixel in height and its font attributes are SansSerif 10


In this case a height of 13 pixel are enough. As you checked "StretchWithOverflow" the field will stretch if the content is more than one line.


So just reduce the textfield- and the bandheight to 13 pixel and try again.



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Thanks much for the response, i tried with the change u asked to make. But again the result is same.

I want to display the result in the first page as i hav the page  height sufficient for my result.

Thanks in advance..

Post Edited by smiley k at 03/04/09 06:35
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Well you have a two column layout (report properties) and set "StartNewColumn" at the Group... so I could imagine that this will cause the pagebreak.

Why did you set the "StartNewColumn" Flag to true? This means, that each group starts at Column1, if you group by ID field each record is a new group so a two column layout doesn't make sense (in my eyes).


regards from Germany


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this is a subreport am using in another report so the width am using is less(only for 2 columns). As the height of my report is more than the field height and band height.....y can't i get the result in the first page...is this not possible ?
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Could you post both reports (Master- and SubReport).... perhaps the error is not within the SubReport but in MasterReport.

Sometimes it looks as there would be enough space but it isn't at real, as some empty PageFooter or groupfooter bands are rendered without content.



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Hmm, as I don't have your datasource I couldn't test.

But I changed your detailband height to 13 pixel as it was 28  before. You set "StretchWithOverflow" to almost all text fields, so it's not necessarry to my eyes to define the fields bigger than one line.

But I still guess that the problem is your Grouping at SubReport level as it's per ID field and so each record starts at column 1 as you set "StartNewColumn" flag for that group. Besides that you set PrintOrder to vertical at SubReportLevel have you ever tried to set it to horizontal


I would uncheck the "StartNewColumn" flag in first way (if my changement with 13 pixel bandheight won't work) and later try to set the printorder to the other direction (just to see what could cause the break)


regards from Germany


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