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PDF pagination problem


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we are using jasper to generate PDF file for a webpage.Idea is to provide a printer friendly format for a webpage. I am using 'parameters' to generate text. Page desing is like as below (lables and values are all parameters)

Label1 : value1

Label2: value2

Label3: Value3




Label10: value 10



Our problem is that, when the end of the page is reached, the next label is not printing while scrolling down to next page.For example,  After Label9:value9 if it is next page, Label10:value10 is not printing/hiding but the text after that is printinng in PDF.

Is there anyway to scroll down to next page without loss of data,please advice.

Please find the attachement of report design.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Teodor,

Thanks for your reply.I am here with attaching jrxml,pdf report generated and the Java program to fill and export the report.
Trying to generate PDF for a webpage(TO provide printer friendly version in PDF to avoid browser dependencies)

How i am doing that?

i have around 70 elements on a webpage and the height of the Detail band is not sufficient to place all elements.So I am using group header and group footer so that I can place some of our detail elements on a special group header, some of them will probably remain on the detail section, and the rest could go on the group footer.i have started placing the elemets on Group Header ,and i expected the elements to flow(isSplit=true) to the next PDF page when they are not fit in current page.But when the end of the page is reached, subsequent elements are disappearing.In the PDF report i have attached,last line of the first page is

Name of regulatory authority of manager               Rugulatroy Authority Value

The next line to be printed as a first line of the next page is

Please provide the licence number issued             L1212122212121

by the 

relevant regulatory authority


but this line is disappearing and the next line to be printed also missing some of its part.Please see the PDF and java programs attached.I have tried with isPrintWhenDetailOverflows but couldn't work.Depending on the data entered by the user for each field,last line of the page may differ but what expected is, It should flow to next page if it not fits in current page.

Please advice whethere there is any other way or am i doing anything wrong.

kindly ask me if you need more clarification about my problem.

Thank you,




public class CreatePDF {public static void main(String[] args){try{String srcFileName = "D:\JasperReport\newdesign\NotificationForm.jrxml";String destFilename="D:\JasperReport\fromsvn\NotificationformPDFReport.jasper";JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(srcFileName,destFilename);//fill parametersparameters.put("page_title", "View Notification");parameters.put("notificationNo_label","Notification Number :");parameters.put("notificationNo_value","09L5G2B0966");parameters.put("sectionSchemeInfo", "Information on the Restricted Scheme");parameters.put("schemeNameQn1", "Name of the restricted scheme ("the scheme")");parameters.put("schemeNameQn1_value", "schemname- sdfsdfsd  dfasdfasd fasdfasdfasdfasd fasdfasdf dfs fsdaf asdf sadfsdfsda sdf sdfasdf sdfsdafsad sadf sadfsadfsd asdfasd fsadfsaf sd fsdfsd fsdf asdfsda fsddfdEND");parameters.put("NameChangeTo", "changing to");parameters.put("schemeName_q1New", "schemnameNew- sdfsdfsd  dfasdfasd fasdfasdfasdfasd fasdfasdf dfs fsdaf asdf sadfsdfsda sdf sdfasdf sdfsdafsad sadf sadfsadfsd asdfasd fsadfsaf sd fsdfsd fsdf asdfsda fsddfdEND");parameters.put("schemeNameEffDateChange_value_1", "on 21/05/2009 ");parameters.put("isSubFundQn2","Is the scheme a sub-fund of an umbrella fund?");parameters.put("isSubFundQn2_value","Yes");parameters.put("umbrellaFundNameQn21","State the name of the umbrella fund");parameters.put("umbrellaFundNameQn21_value", "umbrellafund-sdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdasdfasdfsadfsadf sdfsadfasdfasfserger erwgwergwergsdfgsdf gsdfgsdfgsdfg fsdgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgfdgf END");parameters.put("UmFundNameChangeTo", "changing to");parameters.put("umbrellaFundName_q2_1New", "umfundchange- sdfsdfsd  dfasdfasd fasdfasdfasdfasd fasdfasdf dfs fsdaf asdf sadfsdfsda sdf sdfasdf sdfsdafsad sadf sadfsadfsd asdfasd fsadfsaf sd fsdfsd fsdf asdfsda fsddfdEND");parameters.put("umFundEffDateChange_value_1", "on 21/05/2009 ");//==========rest of the parametersparameters.put("incorporationQn8", "Country of incorporation of manager");parameters.put("incorporationQn8_value", "United States Of America");parameters.put("isLicensedQn9", "Is the manager currently licenced or authorised to conduct fund management in the jurisdiction of its principal place of business?");parameters.put("isLicensedQn9_value", "Yes");parameters.put("regulatoryAuthorityQn912", "Name of regulatory authority of manager");parameters.put("regulatoryAuthorityQn912_value", "Rugulatroy Authority Value");//problem started from hereparameters.put("licenceNumberQn92", "Please provide the licence number issued by the relevant regulatory authority");parameters.put("licenceNumberQn92_value", "LicenceNumber-valueL23423423423423342323423423423423423423235252323423423 sdfsdfs bsf5234234234234234234234234234");parameters.put("isPublicQn911", "911Is the Manager a public company that is exempted from the requirement to hold a capital markets services licence to carry on business in fund management under paragraph 5(1)(d) of the Second Schedule of the Securities and Futures (Licensing and Conduct of Business) Regulations?");parameters.put("isPublicQn911_value", "Yes");//importing fontHashMap fontMap = new HashMap();		fontMap.put(new FontKey("Times New Roman", false, false),new PdfFont("D:\JasperReport\fromsvn\fonts\times.ttf",BaseFont.IDENTITY_H,true));fontMap.put(new FontKey("Times New Roman", true, false),new PdfFont("D:\JasperReport\fromsvn\fonts\timesbd.ttf",BaseFont.IDENTITY_H,true));fontMap.put(new FontKey("Times New Roman", false, true),new PdfFont("D:\JasperReport\fromsvn\fonts\timesi.ttf",BaseFont.IDENTITY_H,true));		JRPdfExporter exporter = new JRPdfExporter();		exporter.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.CHARACTER_ENCODING,"UTF-8");exporter.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.FONT_MAP, fontMap);JasperPrint jp =JasperFillManager.fillReport(destFilename, parameters,new JREmptyDataSource());exporter.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT,jp);		exporter.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME,"D:\JasperReport\jasper1.pdf");exporter.exportReport();		}Catch(Exception e)}//main}
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The PDF you attached does not seem to be obtained with the Java code you posted.  For one, the Java code doesn't compile, and then the PDF contains some labels that are not present in the code (nor the JRXML) - e.g. the "Is the scheme constituted in Singapore?" text.

Please post a proper test case for this if you want us to investigate it.



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Please find the attached xml,java file and the PDF generated.I have removed font related stuff so that it will compile.Please try adding some more data to the parameters,as the data moves down on the PDF,some other fields may disappear while paginating.

Greatly appreciate your help.

Thank you,





Post Edited by mohan kumar at 04/01/09 02:52

Post Edited by mohan kumar at 04/01/09 03:16
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The text was missing because of  a bug in the JasperReports engine.  A fix has been checked into the JR SVN trunk (rev. 2722).

One way to workaround this problem is to break your band into several dummy bands (as explained in this FAQ), thus isolating each horizontal group of elements into its own band.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Hi Sorry to start this old thread after two years, but I am facing this similar problem. On next page report is missing one line and then next line onwards everything is normal. After going through the FAQ link, one thing is unclear that if it is height confusion, then why only first line or next line partially (in case of Mohan) is not printing and then rest of  them are printing. In my case, I have put elements into their own frame and then all frames together into one big frame.

I want to understand the problem.

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  • 6 years later...

Things I would try to resolve this...


I notice you are passing a significant amount of text as parameters.  I also observe that you are saying that that significant amount of text is what is being truncated in the report output.  I would guess (with a strong chance that this is the case), that the width of the element is not sufficient to contain the text AND that the element is not set to grow vertically AND that the band the element is in is not actually large enough vertically to contain said text.

So, that means the element receiving the text should be widened, it should be set to stretch vertically (it will word wrap within its width) ie. field.setStretchType(StretchTypeEnum.RELATIVE_TO_BAND_HEIGHT).  This will cause it to grow to the height of the band it is in.

Make sure the band is large enough to contain the text.

An alternative to the above is to actually create the report such that each page is a separate report definition.  You would create a report definition for each distinct page using only the detail band and turning off all other bands.  You would then create the actual report definition and include the distinct page definitions in its detail band as subreports.  The containing report definition could then have actual report headers and footers, and the subreports take care of laying out each page.


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