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Problem Rendering RTF into PDF report.


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Using both Jasper Report 2.0.5 and jasperServer 3.0

We are generating reports from a SQL server 2005 db; using a clob field containing a narrative stored in RTF format.

The narrative may contain quotes. EX.

The author was happy. He exclaimed "I am very happy"    'I will relate this to you later'

When rendered to pdf, the quotes (double and single are not in document.)

Any ideas, any experience with this, any work arounds?



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This is a JasperReports issue.

Is it only PDF that is a problem? How does it look in HTML, for example?

  -- We use only PDF as our client requires it for report distribution.

Are you doing some conversion from RTF in order to insert the text into the report?

  -- We perform no conversion as the RTF is stored in db as a clob object.



Are there any workarounds or fixes in play or in development for this?

David Rees



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I don't understand the details of your issue, so there is nothing under development to "fix" this.


JasperReports does not deal with RTF content in the way you are trying. You will need to extract the underlying text from the RTF and put it into a JasperReports field or variable in order to use it.




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I don't understand the details of your issue, so there is nothing under development to "fix" this.

JasperReports does not deal with RTF content in the way you are trying. You will need to extract the underlying text from the RTF and put it into a JasperReports field or variable in order to use it.


Sorry for not being clear...

--Using  iReport as report designer, in a text field, you can modify the 'Markup' option to interpret text as RTF, HTML or plain text.  When we display report (preview) in PDF any embedded quotes are stripped out.
So am I missing something about this?  Thanks

David Rees



Post Edited by David Rees at 02/10/09 16:15
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*I don't understand the details of your issue, so there is nothing under development to "fix" this.


*JasperReports does not deal with RTF content in the way you are trying. You will need to extract the underlying text from the *RTF and put it into a JasperReports field or variable in order to use it.





Ok one more time...

In our application, we store a RTF formatted narrative in a DB Field.

In a jasper report created via iReport., we reference that field and display the narrative on the report

using the Markup Property = RTF for that particular field

If the narrative was entered as:

The boy then said, "I saw the quick brown fox jump over the fence"

On the report the narrative is generated/displayed:

The boy then said, I saw the quick brown fox jump over the fence


We are hoping of a fix, workaround or other option so that the text is rendered on the report/pdf correctly.

Any suggestions?

thank you




Post Edited by DavidRees at 04/28/2009 11:06
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