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Problem with webapp sample in weblogic

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By: Prashant - psarode

Problem with webapp sample in weblogic

2003-10-17 12:08

I know many people have had this same problem and teodord has given answer to this problem..which

1.I create the jasper-webapp.war using the ant script from the demo/webapp sample directory.


2.I deploy it in the my weblogic domain (/bea7/user_projects/<myDomain>/applications/)


3.The app. deploys successfully and I can see the index.html properly through the URL http://localHost:7001/jasper-webapp/index.html


4.When I click "execute" link to "compile.jsp" I get the following error:


C:Bea700Homeuser_projectscpDomainadminServer.wlnotdelete_appsdir_jasper-webapp_war_jasper-webapp_5523201jsp_servlet_jsp__compile.java:17: package dori.jasper.engine does not exist

probably occurred due to an error in /jsp/compile.jsp line 76:

<%@ page import="dori.jasper.engine.*" %>


C:Bea700Homeuser_projectscpDomainadminServer.wlnotdelete_appsdir_jasper-webapp_war_jasper-webapp_5523201jsp_servlet_jsp__compile.java:102: cannot resolve symbol

probably occurred due to an error in /jsp/compile.jsp line 91:





Full compiler error(s):

C:Bea700Homeuser_projectscpDomainadminServer.wlnotdelete_appsdir_jasper-webapp_war_jasper-webapp_5523201jsp_servlet_jsp__compile.java:17: package dori.jasper.engine does not exist

import dori.jasper.engine.*; //[ /jsp/compile.jsp; Line: 76]


C:Bea700Homeuser_projectscpDomainadminServer.wlnotdelete_appsdir_jasper-webapp_war_jasper-webapp_5523201jsp_servlet_jsp__compile.java:102: cannot resolve symbol

symbol : variable JasperCompileManager

location: class jsp_servlet._jsp.__compile

JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(application.getRealPath("/reports/WebappReport.xml")); //[ /jsp/compile.jsp; Line: 91]


2 errors

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