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SOAP API questions. What's the best way...


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I've started  to use the Jasper SOAP api recently but I'm not sure if my approach is correct and I was wondering if someone could clarify this for me.

I have a report which takes a long time to execute. It's stored in my JS-Repository and I want to offer my users the possibility of asking for this report on request (not scheduled). I believe I can't really use the "runReport" SOAP call because the report just takes too long to execute but creating a new schedule every time the report is requested seems really messy because it's not really a schedule, it's a one-time run only.

So ideally I would like to do what I can do in JasperServer which is ask for the report to be run in the background with the results emailed to my user. But I can't find how to do that using the SOAP api. Can someone make a suggestion of how to do this without creating a new schedule every the time or if I have to use the scheduler, which parameters should I use to run it immediately and never again?



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I got some information from Lucian.

In the scheduling web services request, if you set a SimpleJobTrigger with the start date to null and the recurrences to 1, this will give you the effect you want - the report run immediately once.




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