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Alternate Rows in Crosstabs


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I've browsed through the forums and know that are a few different threads on this topic, but so far I haven't seen a working solution. What I'm trying to do is getting the nice looking feature of alternate white and shaded rows that is such a handy (and straight forward) feature in the regular report structure (outside a crosstab). Crosstabs often contains a lot of information and the alternate row colors is quite usefull. I know I could have a single line on each row but that is not what I'm asking for here.

I've tried passing a parameter to the crosstab but the issue seems to be to increment this parameter when there is a new row. I would greatly appreciate some input from my fellow iReporters.

Thanks and Happy Holidays!

Post Edited by Magnus Fiore Palm at 12/17/08 00:24
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I ended up getting a xtab 'engine' on my sql 2000 server which produces a standard dataset to be given to iReport. I can then do the alternate colors in the detail section w/o having to deal with the iReport xtab control. I found a couple and ended up paying something like 49USD for the dll I got. I've been impressed by it so far, so worth the money (imo).
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