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Report with lot of static and dynamic text


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Hi all,

I really hope there is a way to fix this problem. I have already tried alot but did not find an answer. As the topic says in my reports I have alot of static texts as well as dynamic data coming from a datasource which then fills different subreports. Like this:

Static text
Static text
Static text
Static text
Subreport which is filled by a JRMapCollectionDataSource
Static text
Static text
Subreport which is filled by a JRMapCollectionDataSource

All this is in the details band. Of course at some point of a time the page is full already with the static text, but since my report is not finished I need to place more static text on it.

For this I have tryed 2 solutions:

-I added a new group to the report and continued doing:

Static text
Static text
Subreport which is filled by a JRMapCollectionDataSource
.... on the groupFooter

-I inserted a subreport and in there I did:

Static text
Static text
Subreport which is filled by a JRMapCollectionDataSource

I also tryed a subreport in a groupFooter on Page1. All this did not help my problem. If the PDF output at some point of time reaches a page end with static text and NOT a subreport with a datasource the static text is merged to the next page as a block. Like this:

data from Subreport with JRDataSource
data from Subreport with JRDataSource
data from Subreport with JRDataSource
....(almost the end of the page)
<free space>
---page break---
static text
static text

But I want as much of the Static text to be on the other page and then be broken. Like this:

data from Subreport with JRDataSource
data from Subreport with JRDataSource
data from Subreport with JRDataSource
....(almost the end of the page)
static text
static text
---page break---
static text
static text

I have also attached two screenshots to illustrate the prolbem some more. I really hope there is a fix for this.


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