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the fields and subreport are not on the same row


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I have created a report which has on the same row some fields and a subreport. For unknown reason when I run the report the subreport box is not on the same row with the other fileds. This is a problem when I want to export the report to spreadsheet.


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Sorry I can not open your images. Is this only a problem when you export to a spreadsheet?

Make sure the row values of all items on you detail line start at the same vertical position. Also make sure that all the items in your detail line start at the same horizontal position as items in the bands above (Usually will be your column headers). The Excel exporter tried to build tables with your report data. If fields do not line up you can get all kind of interesting results.

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You should also make certian that the sub-report doesn't have any margins or space above the data to the top of the band. I have created reports where the center of a 3 column table is in the main report and the remaining columns come from a sub-report. Depending on the amount of data in your sub-report you can have a sub-report that is only as tall as one text field item. If you make the sub-report only as wide as the band you will be displaying it in and as short as you can it will be much easier to line up correctly. 

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Thank you for your answer!

In the master report all fields ( and subreport )  have the same height (16) . The subreport have a width of 56.

In the subreport the detail band had the height of the field (16) but the width was 55. So I changed the width of the detail to 56 and now everything is OK.

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