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Input Controls and Parameters


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Hello, I am brand new to Jasper Reports and I need a little help in setting up input controls for report paramters.

I have setup the following parameters within the report: from_date, to_date. The query for the report is as follows:

SELECT * FROM v_OE_Invoice_Headers
WHERE INVOICEDATE between '$P{from_date}' and '$P{to_date}'

For the report, I have setup two input controls. One in which the Parameter Name is from_date and the other for which the Parameter Name is to_date. When I run the report, the server prompts me for these input fields, but then throws the following error:

com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: Error preparing statement for executing the report query : SELECT * FROM v_OE_Invoice_Headers WHERE INVOICEDATE between '?' and '?' ORDER BY INVOICEDATE;

com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error preparing statement for executing the report query :

SELECT * FROM v_OE_Invoice_Headers
WHERE INVOICEDATE between '?' and '?'

Is there a step I am missing in all of this?

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Maybe try removing the single quotes around the parameters in the WHERE? I'm new to this too, but the stuff I've done I've just used $P{parameter_name} and not quoted it. I haven't used dates yet for parameters, so not sure if that will work, and maybe you quoted it since you can pass dates as quoted text in SQL, but I don't think it would matter here as should be handled by the execution engine. Are the datatypes of the parameters and the input controls the same?
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