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Brazilian character

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By: Michel - micheljr

Brazilian character

2003-02-18 06:01



How can I use brazilian character like ã¬é¬ç¬etc. in the Static Text Tool?


I already tryed <?xml version="1.0"? encoding="ISO-8859-1">

but it didn't work for some characters like 㮦nbsp;


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance







RE: Brazilian character

2003-09-25 15:16

Relatu00F3rio de Situau00E7u00E3o"


para escrever sa? Sau00FAde


para escrever agꮣia = Agu00EAncia


para escrever a磯 = u00E7u00E3o


para escrever náµ´ica = nu00E1utica


no campo TextExpression do textField, escreva os codigos acima.

Para encontrar os outros caracteres, procure um site com codfica磯 unicode


Um abra篊

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