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Can anybody solve this one!!

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By: Arun Kumar PG - pgarunkumar

Can anybody solve this one!!

2003-09-23 03:43

I have a parameter field in the <Title> band which is of a fixed width and height.I am passing plain text ( that I get from an HTML page textarea field)at the runtime which populates this parameter field.

The problem is that the whenever I enter more characters in the textarea field and pass that to the Report it shows up characters until the field area is not populated.The remaining characters are not shown. When I set the attribute isStretchWithOverflow=true and printWhenDetailOverflows=true it overlaps with the bottom content.



Is there any way to dynamically set the field Height so that I can get all the characters in the field OR any other way to achieve what I intend to?????


Any help will be highly appreciated!








By: Chuck Deal - cdeal

RE: Can anybody solve this one!!

2003-09-23 06:06

Make sure the other fields are set to FLOAT and that the fields don't overlap.


If that doesn't work, create a <line> under the textfield that you want to strecth (color = white). It should be as wide as the page. This will cause all elements under the line to be pushed down when the textfield stretches.





By: Arun Kumar PG - pgarunkumar

RE: Can anybody solve this one!!

2003-09-23 06:19

Firstly I thank you Charles for the prompt response.


Well let me show you the chunk of layout of the

Report page where I am actually facing problem.




Start of the Report..


| A | B |



Other Fields goes here..


End of the Report




In the above diagram "A" is the field that contains the varying text entered by the end user.Next to Field A is field "B" which contains some other text.

I want to keep the field "B" where it is now.But in case the text in field "A" overfolws I want to push it down rather than stretching it to left coz that will distort the content of field "B".

Now looking at the above diagram could you tell me how to acheive what you said previously????









By: Chuck Deal - cdeal

RE: Can anybody solve this one!!

2003-09-23 06:39

I would not have expected the field to stretch horizontally. Perhaps, make sure that your textfields do not overlap their x coordinates (A's x + width should be less than B's x). As long as both A and B have the same y-coordinate, then B should be unaffected by the stretching (down) of A.







By: Arun Kumar PG - pgarunkumar

RE: Can anybody solve this one!!

2003-09-23 22:36

Well Charles..the great news is that it solved the problem.




Take care







By: Arun Kumar PG - pgarunkumar

RE: Can anybody solve this one!!

2003-09-23 21:17

Thanks for the response Charles.


Charles , Am I supposed to set the field A and B also as FLOAT or only the ones which are below

A and B ????









By: Chuck Deal - cdeal

RE: Can anybody solve this one!!

2003-09-24 08:01

To be honest, I set ALL of my report objects (text, lines, etc) to FLOAT.

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