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jasperserver 3.0 and ireport 3.1.1


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I have been using jasperserver 3.0.0 with ireport 3.0 and everything has mostly worked fine.

I just installed ireport 3.1.1 and when trying to send a report up to the server through the repository navigator, I get an error when adding a new report:

com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.io.MalformedByteSequenceException: Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence

If I open an existing report and modify it, I can update the report on the server by right clicking the Main.jrxml and choosing Replace with current jrxml.  Then, when I run the report form the report server, I get the Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence error.

Is 3.1.1 not compatible with jasperserver 3.0.0 or is there something else I need to do?

I've tried creating a new report from scratch and also using reports originally done in 3.0



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Actually, I can create brand new reports and new report units from 3.1.1 and it does seem to work.

However, if I open a report created in 3.0, edit it and then save it and reopen it, I get the Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence or if I upload it to the reportserver, I get that same error as well.

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It's the same thing for me. If I edit with iReport nb 3.1.1 a jrxml file from a report unit created with iReport 3.0.0 I get the same error. I was thinking that this was due to the fact that my report had a chart.

And after if I try to open with iReport 3.0.0 the jrxml damaged by iReport 3.1.1 I get an error saying that the size parameters of the report are not compatible with the band size definition (or something like that)

Under 3.1.1 I didn't find all the shortcuts icons of the tools allowing to center, expand, adjust horizontal and vertical size of a cell to the border limits.

So, for me, iReport 3.1.1 is less convenient than iReport 3.0.0


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Mine don't actually have a chart. I don't know if 3.1.1 converts the report in someway when it saves it, but I can do the following:


I open a 3.0 report in 3.1.1. I Make a few edits and I can preview the report just fine with or without an active datasource.


If I save and close the report and then reopen it, I get that Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte error which prevents me from doing anything with the report. I don't know if this is something to do with the saving or what as I can open any 3.0 created reports and preview them just finee. The problems all arise once I save them.

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I saw on this forum (or IReport forum) that this could be due to the version of Jasperreports. I upgraded the jar of jasperreports to 3.1.0 in the lib directory of WEB-INF in jasperserver and I always get the same error if I update a report created under IReport 3.0.0.

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I noticed something similar with 3.1.1 when I had text to display that includes a lone single quote '. It would compile but say "No pages in Document". I could save it, but get that same "Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence" error when I tried to load the jrxml file.

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