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Query Parameter not Found:Name


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Hi There,

Ok using IReport  3.1.0

Created a master report.

Created a Subreport ----  part of subreport query is   WHERE bill_to_customer_name = '$P{Name}'  and

meaning, I have a parameter Name in subreport query, which will get its value from master report. I have added the subreport element in master report. correctly added the subreport parameter and value expression linking to master report parameter

$F{Name}  I have correctly specifiled the subreport .jasper location in the master report.

Now, when I go compile the subreport -----------   "It JUST does not allow me to compile always giving   Query Parameter not Found:Name      error in ireport.    I even checked the directory and there isnt any .jasper subreport file.

This error is due to the parameter ('$P{Name}' )   I have defined in the subreport.

So now i am in a loop :---------

1> Parameter is defined in subreport

2> due to parameter, ireport keeps complaining  Query Parameter not Found:Name and JUST DOES not create the .jasper of subreport

3> since there is no subreport .jasper, I simply CANnot compile the master report

4> I am STUCK.

5> Whats is the way out. I am damn sure, so long the ireport would not create a .jasper file, with that parameter in my subreport sql, I am just stuck.

6> Is it BUG ? Whats is way out ?

thanks !




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Additional Info is :

I am using IReport version   3.1.0

and IReport is connecting to Jasper Server community edition to upload the reports (Hope there are no version issues, as I go ahead with my development. Are there any ??)

Am I getting above  Query Parameter not Found because of this ???

Bcaz I am getting error in the IReport itself. 

Any idea ?  

My ireport 3.1.0 is a  GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Hope its not limited to 30 days or so.

I want to download   "How to use ireport 3.1.0 ........." documentation from development (developing reports, subreports,  passing parameters, cross tab  etc  etc etc).   I do not see documentation available TO BUY on jaspersoft site. anyone has the correct link ?



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iReport and JasperServer Community Edition are fine together. That's not the source of the problems.


You should be able to find docs for purchase here: www.jaspersoft.com/JasperShop_Documentation.html
This includes iReport docs. They are not updated for iReport 3.1 yet, but I know that this is being actively worked on now.


Do you have the parameter defined in the subreport? You mention using the param in the subreport's query, but it's not clear to me if you are first defining the param in the subreport. You need to do this if you haven't already.


Can you attach the report and subreport? That may make it easier to see what's going on.



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Hi Matt,

Ok. I moment u release IReport 3.1 documentation, I am sure to buy. If u have any mailing list, u can send me email at

javaraje@hotmail.com  the moment  ireport 3.1 doc is released. I will buy it immediately.

So nice to know --- reports, charts etc  developed using   IReport 3.1 can work in Jasper Server Community edition without any version/incompatability issues. 

Yes, as I dropped the subreport element on master report, I did click subreport element and then went to properties ---------  and then filled the connection with $P{REPORT_CONNECTION}  -----------  then clicked the parameters---------- and in subreport return values window that opened inputted the   Name   and  Expression fields with parameters.

So yes that part is done.   I suspect the subreport MySql query's  parameter placeholder is the culprit.  though I am not sure.

I have attached master and subreport --------  jrxml for ur reference.  and am using Mysql database.

Let me know if this helps ! 



P>S     So I will continue my devep using IReport 3.1 and Jasper Server community edition since no version issues.



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Oh God !

If you use Attachment1 and Attachment2  to upload two files, it  shows one file uploaded twice.

Ok, now here I am uploading the file again, which I beleive did not got uploaded before.

So ---- In all there are only two files -------  Master and Subreport





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I wrote:

Do you have the parameter defined in the subreport? You mention using the param in the subreport's query, but it's not clear to me if you are first defining the param in the subreport.


You wrote:

I dropped the subreport element on master report, I did click subreport element and then went to properties ---------  and then filled the connection with $P{REPORT_CONNECTION}  -----------  then clicked the parameters---------- and in subreport return values window that opened inputted the   Name   and  Expression fields with parameters. So yes that part is done.


This isn't right. You need to open the subreport and define parameters in it. Your report "oracletomysqllimit9_subreport2" does not have any parameters in it besides the default ones. Add the parameter(s) that you need and make sure you can compile and run the subreport alone. Only after that's done then move on to using it in the main report.



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Hi Matt,

Thanks for your reply. See thing is i am using IReport 3.1.0 I also purchased a paper book "definative guide to IReport" for ref. Book is based on IReport 2.0


I opened the File oracletomysqllimit9_subreport2 in IReport editor. and I am looking for a wizard to define parameter (CustomerName).


"I am just not finding the wizard that would add parameter in my subreport jrxml."


I also searched web. and got a old post perhaps referring to older IReport 2.0 that says ::::


" Create 2 parameters in your SUBREPORT... gNum and dNum

View > Parameters ... click New for each parameter you create.

NOTE: make sure your Parameter Class Type is what you want to use I believe your query will be fine as it is."


As in above like View > Parameter in IReport 2.0 ---- I am looking similar wizard in my IReport 3.1 and I am JUST NOT finding it. Also there isnt IReport 3.1 documentation on jasper site, I want to buy.


It would be great help if you can tell me (in IReport 3.1):---

a>where is that Add Parameter wizard, that would add the parameter in my jrxml ?


You can just tell me like click this this and this in IReport designer to all parameter in opened oracletomysqllimit9_subreport2 file.

I am stuck here since yesterday here :-) :-)


thanks in advance



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