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Should I pay for JasperReports?


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There are two versions available, one that's commercial and one that's open source.  The open source one doesn't have all the features of the commercial edition, but it's VERY usable and it's free, even for commercial use.


To use the commercial version, you need to pay for a license.  You'll need to get a quote from jaspersoft.com.

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There are two versions available, one that's commercial and one that's open source.  The open source one doesn't have all the features of the commercial edition, but it's VERY usable and it's free, even for commercial use.

You must be referring to JasperServer.  The original question was about JasperReports.

The open source JasperReports distribution does include all the features of the JR library.  The commercial JasperReports package includes services/support/etc, but no additional features.

Also note that there is a licensing difference between JasperServer and JasperReports.  JasperServer is shipped under GPL, while JasperRepors is available under LGPL (Lesser/Library GPL), which is more permissive (for redistribution, for instance) than GPL.



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