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Is possible? use a subreport return value as "Print when expression" in another subreport


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I have a main report with two subreports. I need to use a return value from the first subreport as evaluation key in "Print when expression" in the second subreport.

Basically the detail band have this

|    +-----------------+       |
|    | subreport 1  |        |
|    +-----------------+       |
|                                       | <-- detail area from the main report
|    +-----------------+        |
|    | subreport 2  |         |
|    +-----------------+        |

I have created in the main report (who owns the detail area with the two subreports) a variable called "RETVAL" with a Calculation Type value of "System" and use this within the subreport1 to store the value returned in a variable called RETURN_VALUE in the second subreport.

Then, in the "Print when expression" field from the second subreport  I have used de RETVAL variable to limit the printing of this subreport.

But, when I run my example the first rows returns a null value for the RETVAL var and the second the value of the first row, so the "Print When expression" is not working as expected.

I have readed other topics about this , and tried some of the suggestions, but without any lucky.

what I doing wrong?

Thanks for any help and forgive by bad english, is not my mother language.

PS: I have attached the full example: the main report, the two subreports and the datasource in XML used by the reports. Hope this help a little to understand the problem.






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