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Running 2 Jasperservers


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I am running both Jasperserver 2.1 and 3.0 on the same linux system. They are both useing their own bundled tomcat disturbions. As for the mysql binary,  they are both using the same one. And i am trying to have one use jasperserver database and the other use jasperserver2 database.

I have jasperserver 2.1 running fine and is currently using the mysql db called jasperserver.

As for jasperserver 3.0, I edited the jasper_init.sh script to to use the jasperserver2 mysql database.

I edited the jasper_init.sh script to point to jasperserver2 instead of jasperserver thinking this would allow it to use it's own mysql database and not overwrite the other one. Well, i now try and start the application and get a apache tomcat 404 The requested resource (/jasperserver/login.html) is not available. error.

here is a copy of my jasper_init.sh. Is there another file i should be editing to get this to work? Can it even be done?


/usr/bin/mysqladmin drop jasperserver2 -u root --password="montycristo" -h -P 3306 --force
/usr/bin/mysql -u root --password="montycristo" -h -P 3306 --force -e "UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('password') WHERE User='jasperdb';"
/usr/bin/mysql -u root --password="montycristo" -h -P 3306 --force -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"
/usr/bin/mysql -u root --password="montycristo" -h -P 3306 --force -e "grant all on jasperserver2.* to 'jasperdb'@'%' identified by 'password';"
/usr/bin/mysql -u root --password="montycristo" -h -P 3306 --force -e "grant all on jasperserver2.* to 'jasperdb'@'localhost' identified by 'password';"
/usr/bin/mysql -u root --password="montycristo" -h -P 3306 --force -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"
/usr/bin/mysql -u root --password="montycristo" -h -P 3306 --force -e "create database jasperserver2 character set utf8"
/usr/bin/mysql -u root --password="montycristo" -h -P 3306 --force jasperserver2 < /home/rgouveia/apps/jasperserver-3.0/scripts/mysql/jasperserverCreate-mysql.ddl
/usr/bin/mysql -u root --password="montycristo" -h -P 3306 --force jasperserver2 -e "source /home/rgouveia/apps/jasperserver-3.0/scripts/mysql/jasperserverCreateDefaultSecurity-mysql.sql"
/usr/bin/mysql -u root --password="montycristo" -h -P 3306 --force -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"


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