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YA java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space ...


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Hey All,



when using a relative small XML source (7.4MB) I get out of memory errors with simple reports like CSV or PDF. I bought the book iReport-2.0.pdf but there is no mentioning of how to solve memory issues. Except about the report visualizer which I set to File and some settings from 100 to 1000.


I did see a lot of people mentioning this on the forum, and it looks like that using a XML datasource is a bad idea???


Is there a option to increase memory for iReport or let iReport handle XML sources better?


If XML is a bad idea, what can be also a good data source rather then using direct DB connections. The reason I don't want to have a direct DB connection is because we have an outside DB server and the report are created by inside people behind a firewall. XML using web-services would be a good option for us but this needs to work reliable ofcourse... Of 7.4Mb is considered large then what can I do?? (7.4Mb is considered really small for us).




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I would not say using an XML datasource is a bad idea.


Increasing iReport's memory would help.


I think if you look in the bin directory of the iReport install directory and look at startup.bat, you can configure the memory available here.


Then you can run iReport using iReport.bat in the main directory of the install to have iReport start and use these settings.


Keep a back up of startup.bat in case I am wrong :)

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lshannon wrote:

I think if you look in the bin directory of the iReport install directory and look at startup.bat, you can configure the memory available here.


I added


JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2048M -Xmx2048M"


to startup.sh But that didn't change anything.


Was that JAVA_OPTS good to start off with??



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Hmmm, I have actually never had to modify mine so I am not sure. Something seems weird with this whole thing. Is there any way I could look at the XML file you are working with? I would like to see if this can be duplicated.
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