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In a HTML Exported Report Line not visible in IE


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I had exported a report page to HTML but the horizontal line drawn in the page can be displayed in Firefox 2.0 but not in IE 6.0

Please see the attached file for having a look

Attached File: [file name=index.htm size=26076]

Thanks in advance


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I looked into the JRXML file you sent and there seems to be no line or border there. Just simple text elements.

No wonder there are no lines in IE either.

Are you sure you run the same report when lines appear and when not?


If the lines were there, they must have been lost at some point while editing the JRXML file.


I hope this helps.


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The JasperReports project website and download path is here:

Now, about your report, I have to repeat. The HTML you showed us is not produced by a recent version of JasperReports. You can look into JR source code if you do not believe me and on SVN history.
We do not generate CSS style like this:

style="border-top: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0);"

That is all I have to say about this.

I hope this helps.

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This message thread can continue forever, without us getting anywhere fast.


I did not say "latest version" of JR. I said "recent version" (a version from the past year or so).

But anyway, I can tell you now that JasperReports NEVER EVER exported HTML like the one we see in your sample.


Please do this:

Open the HTML you sent us with a text editor.

Search for the following piece of text:


rgb(0, 0, 0)


It appears three times in your HTML and is in the style attribute that draws the three lines you have there.

JasperReports NEVER EVER exported line/border colors using this rgb() syntax in CSS.

In JR we use this syntax:


border-color: #000000


You must have manipulated this HTML with some other editor or it must have been generated by a custom made HTML exporter, not the one inside the JR library.


There is nothing else I could help you with at this point. You have to do some debug on your own to understand what happens there.


Thank you,


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hopefully I can clear something up - I noticed I had source like that supplied by csplrj - it was saved from Firefox after trying to inspect what was going wrong. As such it seems that the source was modified by Firefox. I examined the HTML output of iReport by opening the original file and found it's quite different (and quite a bit more verbose in it's styling).

However, the issue remains - the lines do not show, and I have opened this file in IE7 and Firefox 2 & 3. I've attached a very simple example that just contains static text and a horizontal line in the title block. The static text is there but the line is not visible. Honestly, I'm not sure what's wrong with the HTML tho. I can see the line is supposed to be produced by setting a border on the table cell, but it's not working for whatever reason. [file name=Untitled_report_1.html size=1598]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love to, but I can't remember my Sourceforge login and it seems to be taking forever to mail me my password reset. Maybe someone else complaining about this can do so (feel free to use the simple example files I've provided).


Otherwise if I ever get my password maybe I'll do it. For now I've just made HTML unavailable. PDF is what I need most anyway, and that looks great.

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