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Subreport doesnt update from Master report


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Hi there,


I have used the tutorial found at:




to create my first report which includes a subreport.


It works fine in that when I run the master report I see my subreport included. However, the problem is that if I make any changes to the subreport (and then save it), when I re-run my master report the new changes arent propagated.


So all I can see is the same subreport within my master report as when i first started :( Have tried making sure all elements are saved before executing report, disabled a cache setting I saw, but to no avail.


I'm quite new to iReport so I'm sure I'm doing something stupid - hope someone could help me out here.


Kind regards, Steve.

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I have found, in the most recent 2 versions of iReport, that this is not the case. I do compile each report (using the compile tool on the iReport toolbar) after saving the changes. I've even gone as far as using both the empty dataset and full dataset buttons to preview the report after it is compiled. I have found that 99% of the time I must use the massive compiler tool in order to see changes in my subreports when I use the full dataset button on my master report. It's actually starting to get a bit frustrating, but the program is still worth it, so I adapt. I do now have a problem that even the massive compiler hasn't fixed, I will post that in a new thread though.
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I have not seen this behavior. Perhaps the changes you have made are not being updated to the JRXML, which would be a different problem altogether. I have seen this occasional when making changes to charts and stylesheets.


One thing that can cause this type of symptom is when testing in PDF and not closing Acrobat after you have exported a report.


If you make a change and then run against the Datasource again, if Acrobat is still open with the last version of the report, it will just show this version again.


I have lost a fair amount of time in the wee hours of the morning thinking my changes were not being picked up because of this.



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