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Jasper hang up and millions temporary files


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My reports periodically hang up. I know that it is ancient issue and it may be treated as not an error but a feature. I know that I have to fix my report bands to fit to the page height. But somethimes it is very hard or almost impossible due to complex report structure and content.


Go farther and fare worse. I use JRFileVirtualizer to reduce memory usage. I noticed when a report hands up, it produces many (thousands and millions) temporary files. Only way to stop it is to restart application server.


I understand that it could be very complex or even impossible to fix JasperReport library to make it more clever and robust against report layout problems. But can you recommend me how can I detect that my report is not ok to prevent creation of million files and generate human readable error?


E.g., can I specify something like callback function which will track number of the report pages and generate exception when this number becomes incredibly huge?





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Here's some thing you could do

  • Use report scriptlets. Scriptlets are notified when a new page is produced by the engine, so you'd be able to throw an exception when a certain limit is reached.

Extends JRFileVirtualizer and implement a maximum page limit.[/ul]




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