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We have a setup where designs are created on the client, and rendering is done on the server.

In the designs we add a custom queryString, and on the server I register the queryExecuterFactory for that language in the properties.

But when I try to add this string on the client (where this class is not accessible) by calling jasperDesign.setQuery(xxx), I get a JRException saying that the property needs to be filled in.And when I add this property with the serverclass filled in, ofcourse I get an exception saying the class cannot be found.

Is there a way of adding this string to the design on the client without having this exception? It is only at filling-time that this is really used, so why is this validation done at the moment the queryString is added?

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sravyts wrote:

Is there a way of adding this string to the design on the client without having this exception?




It is only at filling-time that this is really used, so why is this validation done at the moment the queryString is added?


The query executer factory is used at report design/compilation time as well. The factory provides a list of built-in report parameters, which need to be registered into the report template.




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