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Page break inside crosstab


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Hello folks,

Is there anyway to put a page break between crosstab rows?

Let me explain better:
In the attached image example, there is three "sections" (IN1, IN2 and IN3). What I want is to put a page break between "IN1" and "IN2", and between "IN2 and "IN3". So that in the end it would generate a result like that: In a page the "IN1" section, in the next page the "IN2" section and at other page the "IN3" section.

But the "IN1 , IN2 and IN3" parts are a row group from my crosstab report.

Is this possible? If it is, how could it be done?

I already searched the forum for the anser, but I'm afraid there is no solution.

Thanks in advance.


[file name=report.gif size=28432]
Post edited by: adrianoalmeida7, at: 2008/02/13 17:25

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I don't know if you ever found the answer to this question but I'll tell you how I solved it.

1. Create a base report. And create report group A. Set the group to start on new page when there is a group change

2. Create a sub report in the base report and place it in group A header or footer. Set the REPORT_DATA_SOURCE to be the data for one group instance.

3. Create a crosstab in the sub report.

There will now be a page brake between each group since after each time the subreport is run there will be a page brake in the base report.

I hope this helps

Post Edited by Magnus Fiore Palm at 12/16/08 23:35
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