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How do you use JRPen.LINE_STYLE_DOUBLE?


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Ok, I finally got to where I need double lines (I thought I'd be here a couple weeks ago, other stuff came up). How do I use the new line stuff in 2.0.x? Specifically, how do I use JRPen.LINE_STYLE_DOUBLE?


I looked through the demos, nothing seems to use it.




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There is a new JRXML syntax to cover the new support for borders and lines.

Details can be found in the JRXML reference here:



The samples in the JR distribution were all updated to show the new syntax.


The current iReport designer does not yet support the new border styles. They will be supported by the new iReport NetBeans designer which is under development and should come up in the months to come.


Until then, you can just manually edit the JRXML to obtain the double border.


Thank you,


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Thanks for the link. That should clear things up for me.


Regarding the iReport Netbeans plugin, I do not use NetBeans. Will the standalone iReport also support these new line types at that time?


I use IntelliJ IDEA, what are the chances of an iReport plugin for that?

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jcullison wrote:

Regarding the iReport Netbeans plugin, I do not use NetBeans. Will the standalone iReport also support these new line types at that time?


The iReport NetBeans port will also function as a standalone application and will replace the current iReport designer.


I use IntelliJ IDEA, what are the chances of an iReport plugin for that?


Afaik, an IntelliJ IDEA plugin is not on our roadmap for the moment.




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