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URGENT HELP with filling and viewing report

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By: Kobus Ehlers - comlink

URGENT HELP with filling and viewing report

2003-07-19 04:50

Hi All


I have spent a lot of time creating all sorts of reports for my computer studies assignment in iReport. Everthing works perfectly when I run it there, but I need to call these reports from my application.


I would only like to show it in the JasperViewer for now, but I cannot get the code right. Does anyone perhaps have some sample code. Also which classes I need to import. I have already compiled the reports and only need to fill and show them.


If anyone is willing to give me their e-mail address so I can contact them for help I would be forever thankfull.


This is an emergency seeing that I have to hand in the project in one week!!!




Thanks, Comlink





By: Ryan Johnson - delscovich

RE: URGENT HELP with filling and viewing report

2003-07-19 16:00

To load the .jasper file:


JasperReport template = JasperManager.loadReport(new FileInputStream(...));


To fill the report, first you need an instance of JRDataSource and a Map (possibly empty) of any params you use. Then:


JasperPrint report = JasperManager.fillReport(template, params, datasource);


To show the reoprt, create a JRViewer and stick it in a dialog:


JRViewer jrv = new JRViewer(report);

JDialog viewer = new JDialog(...);








That should do it!






By: Kobus Ehlers - comlink

RE: URGENT HELP with filling and viewing report

2003-07-20 02:47

Hi Ryan


Thanks a lot for your effort. I have another problem though.


When I try to run the code you have given me, I get an error message saying that java.util.HashMap was not found. (Eventhough I have import java.util.*) Could you perhaps tell me which classes I need to import?


Would you mind if I e-mailed you directly?


Hope to hear from you soon.









By: Kobus Ehlers - comlink

RE: URGENT HELP with filling and viewing report

2003-07-20 03:18

Sorry man - that was trouble with my windows JVM. Fixed it now...


I am still not sure which classes to import now though. Please help here.





By: Ryan Johnson - delscovich

RE: URGENT HELP with filling and viewing report

2003-07-21 09:59

Here you go:


import dori.jasper.engine.*; // JasperManager, JasperReport and the datasources

import dori.jasper.view.JRViewer;

import javax.swing.JDialog;







By: Kobus Ehlers - comlink

RE: URGENT HELP with filling and viewing report

2003-07-21 10:45

I have done that but I still get an error.


I need to display and print some reports I have compiled in iReport. They work just fine when I try to run it in the iReport GUI, but as soon as I enter the code in my program I get exceptions. I get an exception saying: “Type com.lowagie.text.Document was not found.” Or “Could not find package named .orgxmlsax”


I hope you can help here. Im getting dangerously close to my deadline!!!









By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: URGENT HELP with filling and viewing report

2003-07-21 11:53




You need to place all the required libraries into

the classpath when you use JasperReports.

You can find them under the /lib directory

of the distributed package.

Also take a look at the "Requirements" page in the



The errors you mentioned simply say that iText

is missing from your classpath and that no XML parser was found.


I hope this helps.


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