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XPath not finding datasource except from iReport


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Something is different between my iReport environment and my hand coded Java tester, but I can't figure out what it is. I'm doing some very simple XPath as a proof of concept and my sample data file only has 3 rows of data. They display fine when it gets filled from iReport 2.0.2, but it only has one line (and all the values are "null") when I run it from the following Java code:



Of particular interest, note that it's resolving the logo and title, which are also retrieved by XPath. It seems to only be missing the data from "report-data/row".


Here's a ZIP file with the JRXML and the XML data: [file name=xpath_to_nowhere.zip size=1989]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/xpath_to_nowhere.zip[/file]


Does anyone have suggestions?


Kind regards,


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I also noticed that iReport was using a different query executor factory than I was, so I tried that. Still the same results, with either one of these as the factory:

JRProperties.setProperty("net.sf.jasperreports.query.executer.factory.xpath2", "com.jaspersoft.jrx.query.JRXPathQueryExecuterFactory"«»);
JRProperties.setProperty("net.sf.jasperreports.query.executer.factory.xpath2", "net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRXPathQueryExecuterFactory"«»);

Kind regards,


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I found the solution elsewhere on the forums:




It turns out that the problem was that I was passing it a JRXmlDataSource when filling the report, when I should have been passing the XML as a org.w3c.dom.Document into the parameters map.


Thanks to Lucian for answering it clearly in the other thread.


Kind regards,


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