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Jasperserver direct report URL error


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Hi there,


I've downloaded the latest jasperserver install for windows and set it up for anonymous access. My intention is to directly access two reports created in ireports via a url.Both reports are the same but the data source is MS Access for one (A), MySQL for the other (B).


Here's my URL:



When I click the link,(A)gets me a PDF but (B) produces an error:


org.springframework.webflow.engine.NoMatchingTransitionException: No transition was matched on the event(s) signaled by the [1] action(s) that executed in this action state 'checkForParams' of flow 'viewReportFlow'; transitions must be defined to handle action result outcomes -- possible flow configuration error? Note: the eventIds signaled were: 'array<String>['error']', while the supported set of transitional criteria for this action state is 'array<TransitionCriteria>[[eventId = 'yes'], [eventId = 'no']]'.


They both work if accessed directly from the repository.


Any ideas please?

Post edited by: kingsnet, at: 2008/01/05 15:25

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This involves Spring web-flow.


You need to bring up the file:





and take a look at the <transistion> tags. Apparently the state <transistion on="selectReport" ... /> is missing.


BTW, the state doesn't exist out-of-the-box for JasperServer. How did you compose the URL with parameter




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You are right, it isn't defined. But in all working examples I've seen, the parameter you refer to appears as &_eventId_selectReport=& in the URL - no parameter. In my situation for the MySQL data source I can include &_eventId_selectReport=& and get the error or leave it out and still get the error. So I'm not so sure if that's the problem.


Also for the Access data source, I can do the same thing and still get a pdf succesfully.


I tried something else out. The error report refers to an actionstate 'checkforparams' in viewReportFlow.xml and seems to imply it can only handle a transition for 'yes' or 'no', but it's being asked to handle 'error' which is not defined. To check this out I added a transition for 'error' to checkforparams and picked another defined action just to see what would happen. Sure enough, it actioned whatever transition I chose!. What I don't know is why the error exists and what it is as the errorpage transition just gives me a blank page.


Hope you can help


many thanks

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Ouch!! I think I dropped the ball there, the URI was incorrect. I missed out the underscore in cells_mysql! that cost me ages.


Thanks ever so much for your assistance, what a relief!.


PS - is there a way to handle this basic error more in a more explanatory way?

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Ouch!! I think I dropped the ball there, the URI was incorrect. I missed out the underscore in cells_mysql! that cost me ages.


Thanks ever so much for your assistance, what a relief!.


PS - is there a way to handle this basic error more in a more explanatory way?

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