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subreport within subreport problem


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I have a master report which has a subreport which in turn has another subreport.


I my master report, I have a list of beans of class A that have a list of beans of class B that are shown in the subreport and beans of class B have a list of beans of class C that should be shown in the subreport's subreport.


I can show properties of class' A objects with no problem and the first subreport also has no problem. I pass the properties from the master report to the subreport through a list and everything works just fine.


Which doesn't work is passing parameters from the subreport (which shows properties of B objects) to the subreport within it (which should show properties of C objects).


In my java code I have this:


InputStream c = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(ReportManager.REPOSITORY + "c.jasper"«»);
InputStream b = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(ReportManager.REPOSITORY + "b.jasper"«»);
InputStream main = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(ReportManager.REPOSITORY + "main.jasper"«»);

param.put("subRelPath", b);
param.put("subScalePath", c);

try {
print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(main, param, ds);
return JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdf(print);
} catch (JRException e) {


In my main report, in the subreport properties I pass a parameter that represents the collection it should show, and I do the same on this subreport to the subreport within it. And this doesn't work. What is wrong?


Why can I pass a collection from the master report to its subreport and it works fine, but it doesn't work when passing from one subreport to a subreport within it?


Thanks for any help

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