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retrieving string from database

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By: beng leong - blng

retrieving string from database

2003-07-15 04:56

i have a column in my database's table that contains japanese characters.


i do:

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM table");


JRResultSetDataSource rsds = new JRResultSetDataSource(rs);


byte[] bArr = rs.getBytes("jap_column");


String jap = new String(bArr, "SJIS");


parameters.put("japfield", jap);


print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, parameters, rsds);


i carry on to execute the exporting to pdf format etc.

the String jap would be displayed correctly (ie. the pdf file will display japanese chars) when using iReports-0.1.0.


however, from the above method, i can only "encode" one record in the table.


what do i have to do so that i can encode all the jap chars in the column and parse them into a JasperPrint object?








By: Ryan Johnson - delscovich

RE: retrieving string from database

2003-07-17 13:15

Will a java ResultSet map "jap_column" to a String? If so, this should work:


<field name="jap_column" class="java.lang.String"/>





new String($F{jap_column}.getBytes(), "SJIS")



Hope that helps,


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