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help: newbie question - JRBaseBand to JRDesigBand


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hi there,


there is my problem:


i´m build an JasperDesign atribute with differents bands from separate files and i´m trying to change some properties or add new fields.







the Band "this.getReportTitle().getTitle()" is from an jrxml different than the band from jrxml that contain "this.getReportLastPageFooter().getPageFooter()".


all this bands are objects type JRBaseBand.


my question: is there a way to convert this objects JRBaseBand to JRDesignBand so i could add some text fields in it for example? If not there are some sort of ways to get the elements from a JRBaseBand and add them in an JRDesignBand?

in the API i couldn´t solve my problem so if someone with more experience can i´ll really appreciate.


sorry for the bad English.

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