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Performance of the Application

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By: Robert Einsle - reinsle

Performance of the Application

2003-07-16 03:56

Hy all


how can i tune the performance, because if i run an Report with about 700 lines and 33 rows, it takes on an P-IV, 1700 MHz, over 2 Minutes, that is to long.


in Moment, i've no idea how to fasten jasperreports.









By: Steven Blough - stevenblough

RE: Performance of the Application

2003-07-16 04:13

Have you investigated what process is taking the majority of the time? It would be helpful if you had detailed numbers for the time used by the query, fill, and export steps in your report generation.


Good luck

Steven Blough






By: Robert Einsle - reinsle

RE: Performance of the Application

2003-07-16 04:45

Ok, i've don it with:


--- cut ---

long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

JasperReport jReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(is);

System.err.println("Compile time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));

JasperPrint jPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jReport, parameters, new JRBeanArrayDataSource(fieldPrintData));

System.err.println("Fill time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));

JasperViewer.viewReport(jPrint, false);

System.err.println("View time : " + System.currentTimeMillis() - start));

--- cut ---


now the Times:


--- cut ---

Compile time : 1943

Fill time : 80729

View time : 81951

--- cut ---


ok, hope, it helps.







By: Robert Einsle - reinsle

RE: Performance of the Application

2003-07-16 04:47

an additional info, the report is done with Arrays of datasource-objects, not with SQL.

Each line is one Datasource-Object, given to jasperreports as an array.





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