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Is it possible to move the Summary band?


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There is only one reason, and that`s because I want the summary to be presented before the reader starts to dig into the details. It`s no big deal if I have to have the summary at the end, but I find it strange if no one before me have demanded a summary early in the report.

Still no ideas?

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I don't see what prevents you from putting the content of the summary into the title.

If you usually put totals in the summary, why don't you put those totals in the title band?

If you do so, you only need to make sure that text fields displaying report total value have evaluationTime="Report".


I hope this helps.


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I`ve tried that initially, the problem is to handle footers and graphic elements in the title area where my summary data is. I want the summary page to have the same layout as all other pages, but it`s difficult since the summary will be an extension of the title band. But you have maybe som good ideas here?

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We are talking without seeing any document to have an idea about what you need to achieve, so we might be talking in vain.

However, if you are worried about the fact that the title band is not accompanied by page headers and footer, then you might consider this FAQ:



I hope this helps.


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  • 4 years later...

Hi there

I cant open the link, sorry and i cant find the wiki site :(.

My summary band is after the lastPageFooter in iReport, but if i print with this xml, the summary band appears before the lastPageFooter. Have anyone an idea?

Thx for your support


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