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probs with viewer


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hi all.

first sry for my english ;)


hope anyone can help me.

have probs calling the viewer. i can call him without any problem, but if i close them the javaw.exe in the taskmanager stays open. for example.. i open 10 times the viewer, then i have 10 times the javax.exe in the manager.

must i close them manual???


heres my code



jasperReport=JasperCompileManager.compileReport(path_jrxml + "\" + fn_jrxml);
jasperPrint=JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameter, con);

viewer = new JRViewer(jasperPrint);


plz help me!!



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no one know whats the failure???

i`ve tried to close the window later with the PID like


Tasklist /FI "PID eq 1234"


but it doesn´t works?!?!


why the javaw.exe doesn´t stop when i close the viewer.

plz help me.. can´t find any solution..

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The three lines of code you posted have nothing to do with the JVM not closing.

And in general, this is not related to JasperReports.


Put away JR for a moment, comment all the lines that make JR calls and instead of adding the JRViewer there, add a simple JPanel.


The problem must be somewhere else in your code and you need to debug it.


I hope this helps.


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