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Jasper creating several identical pages


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I have a simple table containing user poll statistics, i.e user age, gender and category. From this I am producing several reports as charts.


The problem is that the report generates xx pages with identical (correct) values. There should be only one page. It seems the number of pages returned is equivalent with the number of rows returned by the query.


For the gender report the query looks like this:

select v.label as gender, count(*) as genderCount from userpoll u, lookupvalue v

where v.category = 'userpollgender' and v.value =

group by u.userPollGender


The pie chart has

key expression = $F{gender}

value expressione = $F{genderCount}

and value expresion = $F{gender}


What am I doing wrong here? I tried using a report group instead of my group by plus a report variable, and got correct charts this time too, but now instead 18 identical pages. There are 18 rows in my userpoll table.


The same problem goes for the other reports as well, mosts are pie charts but one is a line diagram. Showing usage statistics per category ofer months. Same problem. Identical graphs on xx pages.


Any help much appreciated!



Post edited by: barsk, at: 2007/12/05 12:30

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Yes indeed! That solved it!

Thank you very very much! I've spent several hours on this issue as a newbie to Jaspereports. Could not believe such a great tool was so flawed. And it wasn't!






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