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PDFs are skewed on Linux

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By: Alec Swan - alecswan

PDFs are skewed on Linux

2003-04-25 14:45

First of all, thanks for this great reporting tool, Teodor. I purchased the ultimate guide, but was unable to locate the asnwer to my question.


I created a report that contains one subreport. When I view it as a PDF through the webapp on Windows it works and looks great! However, when I tried to run this webapp on Linux, the PDF report looks messed up. I can see all the data there, but the group headers of the parent report are shown IN THE MIDDLE of each sub-report. Basicall, group headers are shown in the wrong place on the report.


Do I need to update any libraries that JasperReports uses when I move from Windows to Linux? Do you have any other suggestions.







By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: PDFs are skewed on Linux

2003-04-29 12:56




Can I see such a Linux generated PDF?




Thank you,







By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: PDFs are skewed on Linux

2003-04-29 12:58








By: Alec Swan - alecswan

RE: PDFs are skewed on Linux

2003-04-29 14:11

I just emailed them to you.








By: Alec Swan - alecswan

RE: PDFs are skewed on Linux

2003-04-30 12:15

Any ideas, Teodor?





By: Alec Swan - alecswan

RE: PDFs are skewed on Linux

2003-05-02 09:38

I tried running the same report on Linux 8.0 and it worked fine. The report is still distorted when run on Linux 7.2. I think it may have smth to do with the fonts installed with each Linux version.

Did anybody have similar problems?





By: giovanni cortese - gcortese

RE: PDFs are skewed on Linux

2003-07-10 07:45

I have problems which look similar to yours...

My reports are fine on Windows, but when ported on linus (Suse 7.3) they look messy, plus some field is not even printed. I could not find an easy explanation for the problem (I am not using exotic fonts, and some font in some page are ok, in other not).

Can you give me some hints where to look ?

Or where to start trying to fix fonts in my linux installation, in case the problem coul lie there ?

thanks in advance,






By: Anchal Agarwal - anchal

RE: PDFs are skewed on Linux

2003-07-10 22:36


Here's a similar problem.....

I'm generating a PDF using JasperReports. On windows, it is printed fine. But on AIX, the text is not displayed at certain places. By changing the font size though (decreasing the font size and increasing the reportElement height), the text could be displayed on AIX as well.

Is 'font size' interpreted by AIX and Windows differently? Can this problem be rectified somehow without changing the size and height in all my XMLs?

Thanks in advance,


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