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static text missing in action ?


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I saw several posts about the same issue but I don't see a definitive solution.


I created a very simple "hello world" report in iReport and when run it there, I can see the page title('hello world') using the empty data source.


However, when copying the report to my application and run it with JasperFillManager(), all the staticText disappear(no where in sight in the output be it PDF/HTML/XML).


Is this a setup issue as it seems that I am not the only one experiencing it.



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Found the reason of it. Just hope newbies in the future don't need to repeat this excercise again and can just search the forum for answer.


It seems that jasperReports' engine are VERY VERY picky about the size.


The standard report generated from iReport's wizard while can show properly in its own 'compile/execute' loop. The output(compiled file) somehow failed to show when I put it onto the server(using the same jasperreports jar and same java VM).


I need to reduce the size of the containgin box and/or expand the containing band's height then it magically appear on the server based setup.


This seems to be a very undesirable behaviour if there is a seperation of duty(report designer doing it in iReport yet the outcome is not what is in their design studio). Why can't it just 'clip' which at least give people a visual clue rather than this magically 'remove'. Especially in the context of PDF/HTML/XML where the presentation is handled by yet another program. It turns a presentation issue into a information loss issue.

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Just some more clarification :


The containing box must be larger than the font size, even 1 pixel overlapping(which is the case for the iReport generated sample) would result in the text got suppressed completely.


Also, as mentioned in the FAQ, element must not overlap or else the same suppress effect would kick in.


This behaviour as I mentioned in the previous post can be quite cumbersome to deal with(and undesirable) for situation like design in Windows then being deployed and run on linux where the font characteristics may be different(not visually but technically 1 or 2 pixels taller/shorter). Having elements displayed with one overlapping another is a visual bug(annoying but tolerable and easy to spot), having the element removed is a show stopper bug(and should not happen because of this reason).


And I am only doing on the same Windows machine.

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I'm not sure my problem is same as above.
But I only got the problem in chart and only when I exported to pdf.
I have a report with chart. 
I found that all text (chart title, category axis tick label, value axis tick label and Legend label) within chart are missing when I export to pdf file.
But I can see these text in html export and excel export.
I'm not sure it is font problem or not.  But I add text field outside of chart and set same font as chart labels' font.
I can see these text fields outside of chart but can't see text within charts.

So I tried change some properties and tested.
When I change Common Chart properties-->Render Type  to svg, the category axis tick label are appear in pdf export.
But chart title, value axis tick label and Legend label are still missing.

Even category axis tick label appear only when I set Common Chart Properties-->Label rotation to some value.

If I set Label rotation to zero, this category axis tick labels also missing even I set with svg render type.


When I change Common Chart properties-->Render Type  to image, all text are appear. 

But the quality of chart image is very bad.


My webserver is CentOS 5.3, Jasper 3.5.3, Tomcat 5.5.
I develop jrxml file in windows PC with iReport 3.5.3 and deploy on linux webserver.

When I deploy this report to local windows webserver, all things are fine.  I can see charts text.

Please help me to find out the problem.


Post Edited by zawmn83 at 09/16/2009 05:05

Post Edited by zawmn83 at 09/16/2009 05:53

Post Edited by zawmn83 at 09/16/2009 05:54
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