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How do I make XLS of this?

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By: Kjetil T. - kjetolle

How do I make XLS of this?

2003-06-24 05:35

Hi, all!

I'm still trying to convert an existing report into XLS format. Below are the basic code elements of my report. The point is that this report works fine, but when I try to use the code samples for converting/filling to XLS, the whole thing stops.

As you probably notice, this report creates a PDF file, and I'm using a JRBeanCollectionDataSource instead of a Connection.

An object of this report is made from my UI with

"TestReport report = new TestReport(date_1, date_2)




public class TestReport{

public static final String REPORT_NAME = "/reports/TestReport.xml";

public static final String PDF_FILE_NAME = "H:/TestReport.pdf";


JasperReport jasperReport = null;

java.sql.Date start;

java.sql.Date stop;


public TestReport(java.sql.Date startDate, java.sql.Date stopDate) {


start = startDate;

stop = stopDate;





public TestReport(String reportName) {

InputStream in = TestReport.class.getResourceAsStream(reportName);

if (in == null) {

throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find report " + reportName);



try {


jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(in);

} catch (JRException jre) {

throw new IllegalStateException("Error while compiling report: " + jre);





public void fillReport() throws EjbHomeFactoryException, javax.ejb.CreateException, javax.ejb.FinderException,

java.rmi.RemoteException {


Map parameters = new HashMap();

parameters.put("periode", start + " - " + stop);

try {

EjbHomeFactory ejbHomeFactory = EjbHomeFactory.getFactory();


// In this section I create a collection from JBoss/EJB

// skipping the EJB setup code.....

List collector = new ArrayList();

List reportCollection = (ArrayList)workFlow.findEJBInfo(start, stop);

MyEJB.EJBInfo ejbInfo = new MyEJB.getInfo();

for (int j = 0; j < reportCollection.size(); j++) {

ejbInfo = (MyEJB.EJBInfo) reportCollection.get(j);






JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters,

new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(collector));





JasperViewer.viewReport(jasperPrint, false);


} catch (JRException jre) {

throw new IllegalStateException("Can't fill report:" + jre);



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