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Still Empty Page Problems with breaking SubReports


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Hi Teodor and Lucian,


We (our some of our customers) have still problems with empty pages at the end of the document.


I have traced into it, where I could imagine, the problem occurs.


My SubReport is just one detailband with 39px height and a dummygroupfooter with again 39px height (splitted detail actually).


in detail band there are three textfields with some text within. (all 13px in height)


in dummygroupfooter there are three textfields without any content -> all with "RemoveLineWhenBlank" and "Float" ...(also all 13px in height)


So now the master-report renders it's content and came to the end of the first page where just some pixels are left (Unfortunately I don't know how much exactly) but enough to print the three lines of the subreports detail band.


But now the engine seems to try to render the dummygroupfooter of the subreport also and breaks to page 2... but there are no content for the three placed textfields and all of them are removed correctly --> but know as the enginge already break the page I have just PageHeader and PageFooter but NO CONTENT.


There is no empty space between band-bottom and last element on y-axis.


Now I merged the two details bands back to one large detail (78px in height) and removed the dummygroupfooter and printed again.


Now the engine doesn't start to print the detail at first page but just starts at second page. (although the remaining space is much enough and the detail has "SplitAllowed" to yes.



No the big question: Is this perhaps fixed in JR > 1.3.4 (that is in production within our project) ?????


hoping of some response (perhaps I can build an static example to post it here)


regards from Germany


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Currently the engine doesn't start to fill a band if the space left on the current page is smaller than the band's declared height. This is what causes the page break in both the scenarios you described.


We've considered changing this behaviour a couple of time in the past, but never actually started to analyze this seriously. Please post a bug/feature request if you think this needs to be addressed.


In the meantime, a workaround is to decrease the band height to a minimum by making text fields that might not get printed 1px in height and relying on isStretchWithOverflow to grow the text fields to the required size if printed.




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Hi Teodor and Lucian


I also have the same problem. I have nested sub reports 4 level deep. Few sub reports print in the next page since the height of the band is more than the space left in the current page.


I have complex and 4 level deep nested sub reports and i would not prefer to reduce the size of fields because it will reduce the clarity and will make the report complex and difficult to understand


Are you looking into this issue by any chance? If yes, please would you be able to let me know when this would be resolved?


Thanks in advance !!!!


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