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Auto Report generation


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Hi All


I've have the following code (which is not mine) which should be able to create pdf and xl output from a command line.


* This module will allow Jasper Reports, desinged via iReport, to be executed
* in batch mode.
* The module takes the following arguments:
* 1) Run Mode - (V)iew Report, (F)ormat Report or (B«»)oth
* 2) Report Name (Full Path)
* 3) Output File Name (Full Path) Suffixc is used as File Format
* (PDF, Excel ...etc)
* *) The database connection strings are set using the -D (sets the
* properties dbase.x (driver, url,user, password)
* Also, the promptable paramaters can now be placed on the command
* line - so typically the args become
* [V|F|B] [Full Report Path] [Full Output Formatted Report Name]
* [-DParamName1=Paramvalue -DParamName2=ParamValue ...etc]
* ...Be wary here as the ParamNames need to have embedded spaces replaced
* with ^ (as space in a -D property appears to mess up) - so to pass
* a parameter of This Is The First Number and This Is The Last Number
* you would enter:
* -DThis^Is^The^First^Number=1 -DThis^Is^The^Last^Number=999
* The reason for doing this is that it means the reports can be run
* completely unattended. IE, assume that you have a report that is to
* be scheduled to run every day with the first day of the month (but can
* have any date passed to it). typically the report would be designed to
* have a parameter of date that is promptable, but in reality you just
* want to schedule it to run with a 'calculated' date. So a run script
* can be set up that calculates the first day of the month, and then
* passes that as a -D property to this runner - this runner will detect
* that the date parameter has been passed on the command line, and will
* not try to prompt for it. So you can have unattended running of
* 'parameterised' reports.

// Include the main Jasper Reports Driver.....
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*;
import net.sf.jasperreports.view.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class JReportRunner {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 0;

String sourceFileName = null;
JasperReport compiledReport = null;
JRParameter[] prompts = null;
String reportPath = null;
String outputFileName = null;
String outputFormat = null;
String runMode = null;
Map parameters = new HashMap();
OpenDatabase openDatabase = null;
JasperPrint outputReport = null;
String commandLineParamName = null;
String paramName = null;
Class paramClass = null;
String paramClassName = null;
String paramValue = null;
int paramInt = 0;
long paramLong = 0;
short paramShort = 0;
double paramDouble = 0;
float paramFloat = 0;
byte paramByte = 0;
boolean commandLine = false;
java.util.Date paramDate = null;
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);

// By default date entry is lenient - that means the 0/0/01 is valid
// as is 99/99/9999 - the days get mapped to existing days ie - 0 in
// a day is the last day of the preceding month and 99 would be the
// date in circa 3 months time ..... (why would anyone want
// that? - anyway, that's how it does it) - so make sure lenient is
// turned off

System.out.println("In Runner With Date Format ("+dateFormat+"«»)"«»);
while (i < args.length) {
System.out.print("Arg ("+i+"«») Is ("+args+"«») "«»);
// Move the arguments into named variables
if (i == 0) {
runMode = args;
if (i == 1) {
reportPath = args;
if (i == 2) {
outputFileName = args;

// Split the outputfile name to get the suffix - as we'll use this
// to decide which methods to use to export the file....
i = outputFileName.lastIndexOf("."«»);
outputFormat = outputFileName.substring(i+1,outputFileName.length());

// We need to know the parameters in the report, I can't see any other
// way of getting to this info apart from 'dummy' compiling the report
// - but to do that we'll need a pointer to the source .jrxml file
i = reportPath.lastIndexOf("."«»);
sourceFileName = reportPath.substring(0,i+1)+"jrxml";

try {
compiledReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(sourceFileName);
catch (JRException e) {
System.err.println("JReportRunner: Cannot Compile Report ("+
sourceFileName+"«») "+e);

prompts = compiledReport.getParameters();

// Now we need to loop through the paramaters and prompt (if promptable)
// for the values - we'll put the parameters into a separate hash map
// The prog can also be run with the parameters passed on the command
// line (via -D) - to enable a true batch process......
JFrame jframe = new JFrame("Dialog"«»);
for (i = 0;i < prompts.length;i++) {
if (!prompts.isSystemDefined()) {
paramName = prompts.getName();
// If passed on the command line, the parameter has spaces
// replaced with ^, so From Claim No becomes From^Claim^No
// (as spaces messes up the System Properties) - so create
// a command line parameter from the main parameter, with ^
// instead of embedded space.......
commandLineParamName= paramName.trim();
commandLineParamName= commandLineParamName.replaceAll(" ","^"«»);
paramClass = prompts.getValueClass();
paramClassName = prompts.getValueClassName();
commandLine = false;
while (true) {
if (commandLine) {
// can't do owt else apart from abort here, as we're
// in 'unattended' mode (in theory)
"JReportRunner: Command Line Parameter ("+
paramName+"«») Failed Validationn"+
"Value Set To ("+paramValue+"«»)"«»);
paramValue = (System.getProperty(commandLineParamName));
if (paramValue == null) {
paramValue =
"Please Enter Value For "+
paramName+" n "+paramClass,
paramName+" (Type "+paramClassName+"«»)",
else {
// This will be detected at the start of the loop,
// and if set means that a command line parameter
// failed validation - so we'll have to abort
commandLine = true;
if (paramClassName.endsWith("Integer"«»)) {
try {
paramInt = Integer.parseInt(paramValue);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (!commandLine){
"Invalid Input ("+
paramValue+"«») "+e,
"Invalid Integer Value",
parameters.put(paramName,new Integer(paramInt));
if (paramClassName.endsWith("Short"«»)) {
try {
paramShort = Short.parseShort(paramValue);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (!commandLine) {
"Invalid Input ("+
paramValue+"«») "+e,
"Invalid Short Value",
parameters.put(paramName,new Short(paramShort));
if (paramClassName.endsWith("Long"«»)) {
try {
paramLong = Long.parseLong(paramValue);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (!commandLine) {
"Invalid Input ("+
paramValue+"«») "+e,
"Invalid Long Value",
parameters.put(paramName,new Long(paramLong));
if (paramClassName.endsWith("Float"«»)) {
try {
paramFloat = Float.parseFloat(paramValue);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (!commandLine) {
"Invalid Input ("+
paramValue+"«») "+e,
"Invalid Float Value",
parameters.put(paramName,new Float(paramFloat));
if (paramClassName.endsWith("Double"«»)) {
try {
paramDouble = Double.parseDouble(paramValue);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (!commandLine){
"Invalid Input ("+
paramValue+"«») "+e,
"Invalid Double Value",
parameters.put(paramName,new Double(paramDouble));
if (paramClassName.endsWith("Byte"«»)) {
try {
paramByte = Byte.parseByte(paramValue);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (!commandLine){
"Invalid Input ("+
paramValue+"«») "+e,
"Invalid Byte Value",
parameters.put(paramName,new Byte(paramByte));
if (paramClassName.endsWith("Date"«»)) {
try {
paramDate = (java.util.Date)dateFormat.parse(paramValue);
catch (ParseException e) {
if (!commandLine){
"Invalid Input ("+
paramValue+"«»)n "+
"Please Use Format (dd/mm/yy[yy])n"+e,
"Invalid Date Value",
if (paramClassName.endsWith("String"«»)) {
if (paramClassName.endsWith("Text"«»)) {

// Set up the SQL connection via our old database open class (hope this
// was left in a working state!)
openDatabase = new OpenDatabase("","","",""«»);

// Fill the report.....
try {
outputReport = JasperFillManager.fillReport(reportPath,
catch (JRException e) {
System.err.println("JReportRunner: Cannot Fill Report ("+
reportPath+"«») "+e);

if (runMode.equalsIgnoreCase("V"«») || runMode.equalsIgnoreCase("B"«»)){
// Now preview the report using the printmanager class....
try {
// Did not compile, because viewReport does not throw this: catch (JRException e) {
catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("JReportRunner: Cannot View Report ("+
reportPath+"«») "+e);

// Finally DO something - we have the file format, so case the format
// and call the respective processor......
if (runMode.equalsIgnoreCase("F"«») || runMode.equalsIgnoreCase("B"«»)){
try {
if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pdf"«»)) {
else if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("html"«»)) {
else if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("xml"«»)) {
else {
System.err.println("Invalid File Format: ("+outputFormat+"«»)"«»);
catch (JRException e) {
System.err.println("JReportRunner: Cannot Create Export ("+
outputFileName+"«») Type ("+outputFormat+"«») "+e);


However I get the error


JReportRunner: Cannot Compile Report (C:DatajrunnerTest.jrxml) net.sf.

jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error compiling report java source files : C:


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

at JReportRunner.main(JReportRunner.java:127)


When Running the command line


"java -classpath C:DataiReportsiReport-1.3.1libcommons-beanutils-1.7.jar;C:




;C:datajrunner JReportRunner F C:DatajrunnerTest.jasper c:anoutfile

.pdf -Ddbase.driversun.odbc.JdbcOdbcDrive -Ddbase.urlBBR -Ddbase.user


I've little knowlage of java and would appriciate any pointers you can give.


Many thanks in advance

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