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By: Chuck Deal - cdeal


2003-05-20 06:42

I just changed from 0.4.5 to 0.4.6 to solve a problem with large text areas. Now I have another problem.


I sometimes use scriptlets to encapsulate complex logic that results in a String.


Here is the XML where the method is used.



<reportElement positionType="Float" x="65" y="95" width="510" height="15"/>


<font reportFont="CourierNew"/>


<textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[((com.csc.aims.reports.jasperreports.QAEvaluationSubreportScriptlet)$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}).getDisposition()]]></textFieldExpression>




This has worked all the way up to v 0.4.5. Now, in 0.4.6, it doesn't display the result of the method. I debugged the method and the method completes and the final value is as expected. It just doesn't make it to the output. Why?







By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Scriptlets

2003-05-21 03:24




What happens if you do this:


<textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">

<![CDATA["some_text " + ((com.csc.aims.reports.jasperreports.QAEvaluationSubreportScriptlet)$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}).getDisposition()]]>



Thank you,







By: Chuck Deal - cdeal

RE: Scriptlets

2003-05-21 05:42

Still blank. I even increased the height of the field, just to be sure.


So, what does that mean? I know the method produces the correct result, but it appears to be cleared before being output.


Or maybe, it is being properly called, but an empty string is always being placed in the field.





By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Scriptlets

2003-05-21 06:30




Please send me the entire XML report design.




Thank you,







By: Chuck Deal - cdeal

RE: Scriptlets

2003-05-27 11:15

I'm still having a problem with the scriptlets.


I have been trying to do a diff between v 0.4.5 and 0.4.6. There were really not too many changes in the fill package. However, I have been unable to locate the code that would be preventing the Scriptlets from displaying.


Could you recommned somewhere to look? I am going to do the diff again and try and pay closer attention, but I'm afraid that I will get the same results.


I do know that on 0.4.5 my fields that use Scriptlets work fine. As soon as I change to 0.4.6, I see no output in those textfields.

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