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How to integrate JasperReport into Perl CGI


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We have been developing an open source project. That is a web application. All web forms for entering and searching data are implemented already. Data is available in our database. We are missing with a report generating. JasperReport is one possible solution.


Technically, we have created report designs by using iReport. This template have been checked successfully in iReport with data connection. Then, we have written a Java class to create reports without iReport but definitely JasperReport's libraries required. Currently, we have a problem is that we don't know how to integrate our templates and Java codes into the CGI in Perl. Do you have any idea? Could you tell us how to do it? Thanks a lot!

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it depends on the load of your application.


* The simplest possible solution is to start a seperate java-process for each report you have to generate, store it in a file and read it using perl and send it to the client.


* A better solution would be e.g. to setup a tomcat server, and set the link for generating the reports to the tomcat-server. This time only one JVM is started and keeps running (which is very important for performance).


Good luck, lg Clemens

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it depends on the load of your application.


* The simplest possible solution is to start a seperate java-process for each report you have to generate, store it in a file and read it using perl and send it to the client.


* A better solution would be e.g. to setup a tomcat server, and set the link for generating the reports to the tomcat-server. This time only one JVM is started and keeps running (which is very important for performance).


Good luck, lg Clemens

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We are using Apache2 as a Web server. So, we want to apply the first method in your suggestion. Currently, we can execute Java class as a standalone application. After Java process is carried out, a PDF file is generated successfully. But the problem is that we don't know how to run this Java class in CGI codes of Web framework. That should be nice if you can tell us how to start Java processes inside Perl CGI.
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I don't know, it also does not belong here.

But in C its called system() and Java also does have something like that, so I am sure perl also can call executables.


I warn you: The performance will really suffer using this approach! Use it only on low-load pages.


lg Clemens

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