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Reg Merging Reports


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I have two JasperPrint objects containing the report data generated by 2 separate JRXML files.


Is there a way to merge them and view it using the ViewReport method of JasperViewer.


If so can you please send me a code snippet?



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Well perhaps the BATCH EXPORT Sample within the full Project (with demos) download can help you... but when I remember right, there where just some exporter usinig the JasperPrintList Parameter.


In my environment I use the following code, but not sure if it works for you also. The problem is, that the orientation should not differ between the merging objects.


But just take a look and feel free to modify if needed:


public DruckDokument mergeDruckDokumentList(ArrayList<DruckDokument> druckDokList) throws Exception {
try {
if (druckDokList != null && druckDokList.size() > 0) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

JasperPrint mergedJRPrint = new JasperPrint();
// NOTE: fixed size A4 here for merging, as no other formats used currently!!!
int pageHeight = 842;
int pageWidth = 595;
byte pageOrientation = JRReport.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT;
for (int i = 0; i < druckDokList.size(); i++) {
DruckDokument aktDruckDok = druckDokList.get(i);
JasperPrint jrPrint = null;
switch (aktDruckDok.getFormat()) {
case DruckDokument.FORMAT_JasperPrint:
jrPrint = aktDruckDok.getJasperPrint();
case DruckDokument.FORMAT_JasperPrintXml:
jrPrint = convertXmlToJasperPrint(aktDruckDok.getJasperPrintXml().getUncompressedBinary());
throw new Exception("Invalid DruckDokumentFormat at MergeDruckDokumentList!"«»);

// try to adjust to the current Page-Size/Orientation
pageHeight = jrPrint.getPageHeight();
pageWidth = jrPrint.getPageWidth();
pageOrientation = jrPrint.getOrientation();

// former times we had to merge the JRReportFonts also! But the were deprecated some new JasperVersions :«»-)
// java.util.List<JRReportFont> fontList = jrPrint.getFontsList();
// for (int j = 0; j < fontList.size(); j++) {
// if (!mergedJRPrint.getFontsMap().containsKey(fontList.get(j).getName())) {
// mergedJRPrint.addFont(fontList.get(j));
// }
// }

/** @todo Test it!!!! 2005-11-04 because of new JasperReports Styles*/
Map mergeStyles = mergedJRPrint.getStylesMap();
Map aktStyles = jrPrint.getStylesMap();
Iterator<JRStyle> styleIt = aktStyles.values().iterator();
while (styleIt.hasNext()){
JRStyle aktStyle = styleIt.next();
if (!mergeStyles.keySet().contains(aktStyle.getName())){
java.util.List<JRPrintPage> pageList = jrPrint.getPages();
for (int j = 0; j < pageList.size(); j++) {

byte[] jasperPrintXml = this.convertJasperPrintToXML(mergedJRPrint);
// we always return a surrounding Object called "DruckDokument" that contains the actual JRPrint (or JasperPrintXML)
return new DruckDokument(DruckDokument.FORMAT_JasperPrintXml, jasperPrintXml);

else {
throw new Exception("No DruckDokument in DruckDokumentListe!"«»);
catch (Exception ex) {
// our own ExceptionHandler just formats the thrown ex
throw ExceptionHandler.modifyException(ex);



Just be sure to merge the Styles also! When I remember right, this must be done since the merged doc need to know ALL Styles also!

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