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Using JasperReports at WebSphere 6.1


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Hi all,


I'm new to Application Development. I used JBoss/Eclipse with Struts framework and Jasper Assistance to created report. Currently, I'm moving my JBoss/Eclipse environment to WebSphere Application Server 6.1. Now after I plugged in Struts and JasperReport .jar to shared libraries into WebSphere. My application is worked, but my application cannot create reports (PDF page output). I doubled check my JasperReports .jar file; it's the same JasperReports .jar as I used in JBoss/Eclipse Jasper Assistance. The SystemLog told me calling Created Report Action is worked, yet the server jump over Jasper and display anything. Did I missing anything? or Do I need any third party app. to make WAS understand JasperReports?


The following coding which is my Application.xml file. I hided out ejb, for i don't use ejb, so WAS won't get confuse. I checked my .war file, it has everything suppose to be included .jasper and .jrxml files. Now I'm using JasperReports, do I have to separate out .jasper and .jrxml files to import to WAS Server, instead of import the whole .war. Thanks




WAS side:


Struts 1.2.7

JasperReports 1.2.4



JBossIDE for Eclipse Version: 2.0.0

Eclipse JAVA Development 3.2

J2EE Standard Tools 1.5.1

Struts 1.2.7

Jasper Assistant_2.2.0_Eclipse3.2 (using JasperReports 1.2.4)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC

"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.3//EN"














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