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a count is false


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I guess you could try to write your $F{yesno} value somewhere to be sure that it's value is 1 or 0.


Assuming, you have groups in your report try doing as follows:


Variable - test

Variable class - java.lang.Integer

Calculation type - System

Reset type - group

Initial Value Expression:

($V{test} != null)


($F{yesno}.intValue() == 0)


(new Integer($V{test}.intValue() + 1))


(new Integer($V{test}))


(new Integer(1))

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it sign error why

net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. The constructor Integer(Integer) is undefined value = (java.lang.Integer)((((((java.lang.Long)field_yesno.getValue()).intValue() == 0)?(new Integer(((java.lang.Integer)variable_nbraudela.getValue()).intValue() + 1)):(new Integer(((java.lang.Integer)variable_nbraudela.getValue()))))));/*$JR_EXPR_ID=17$*/ <---------------------------------------------------------------> 2. The constructor Integer(Integer) is undefined value = (java.lang.Integer)((((((java.lang.Long)field_yesno.getOldValue()).intValue() == 0)?(new Integer(((java.lang.Integer)variable_nbraudela.getOldValue()).intValue() + 1)):(new Integer(((java.lang.Integer)variable_nbraudela.getOldValue()))))));/*$JR_EXPR_ID=17$*/ <------------------------------------------------------------------> 3. The constructor Integer(Integer) is undefined value = (java.lang.Integer)((((((java.lang.Long)field_yesno.getValue()).intValue() == 0)?(new Integer(((java.lang.Integer)variable_nbraudela.getEstimatedValue()).intValue() + 1)):(new Integer(((java.lang.Integer)variable_nbraudela.getEstimatedValue()))))));/*$JR_EXPR_ID=17$*/ <------------------------------------------------------------------------> 3 errors at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRAbstractCompiler.compileReport(JRAbstractCompiler.java:193) at it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportCompiler.run(IReportCompiler.java:578) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)



thank you

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Ohhh, I thought that you want to increment your variable if field number is equal to 1 :/ My bad, sorry.


So I guess you should make two variables than, the same way :)


Variable #1 = YesCnt


($V{YesCnt} != null)


($F{yesno}.intValue() == 1)


(new Integer($V{YesCnt}.intValue() + 1))


(new Integer($V{YesCnt}.intValue()))


(new Integer(1))



Variable #2 = NoCnt

($V{NoCnt} != null)


($F{yesno}.intValue() == 0)


(new Integer($V{NoCnt}.intValue() + 1))


(new Integer($V{NoCnt}.intValue()))


(new Integer(1))


Try this and let me know if it fulfills your needs :)

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thank you mar_ass I found the solution, I make the sum of all the column $F{yesno} and since it's composed of 0 and 1 it's going to make the sum of 1 and has that is then the account

the account of 0 I make the total of this $F{yesno}-count of 1 and here is the account is good

is a logic !

thank you another time


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