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Master report empty after adding subreport


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I'm using IReport 1.3.3 and have trouble including a subreport. I created a simple report that i want to include as a subreport in the page header of another report. The problem is, that as soon as i add the subreport the master report is empty once i run it.

I checked all paths and parameters but can't get it to work.

The subreport is to use his own data source.

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that is ur problem right there, first thing is subreport has to have same datasource as main report, thats why it is called a sub-report, make sure your subreports parameter map is the value of the systems generated parameter map called "parameter map", if they do not share the same datasource it will not work, you can have your own queries and different tables but the datasource has to be the same. If it is coming up blanks means you are pulling null data.
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This is not true, a subreport can have a seporate datasource from the main report.


bemar think that it might have to do with putting a subreport in the page headers. Try putting your subreport in another section of the report and seeing if you still get no data.

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subreports can only function off the same data source, aka Database, you can use whatever view, tables, subdatasets and columns u want, but you can not use a seperate database, if you can get a subreport to us a completey different database I would like to see it.
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My mistake, the report in fact has the same datasource but its own query. So that shouldn't be a problem at all.

What confuses me is that the master report is working fine until i add the subreport. As soon as i do that and try to run the master report from IReport there is no output at all.

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