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Stretch Problem With Different Fonts


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I'm having stretch problem in which when I use Helvetica i got a correct (and expected) result and when I use others such Lucida Sans (I can't use this font because it isn't available in my web server that is actually in linux) I got a wrong stretched report (pdf).


The problem occurs in the third column which has more text to be printed.


I'm using jasper reports 1.2.0 and I already tried to use the most recent version of IReport and iText.


I attached a jrxml containing a query so then you can run it and see the problem.


[file name=StretchProblem.jrxml size=8786]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/StretchProblem.jrxml[/file]


Thanks in advance,




Ps: I put some "weird" information to preserve the original information.

Post edited by: charleswc, at: 2007/05/30 18:23

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Text layout is computed at fill time using AWT, therefore you need to set "report" fonts that match the PDF fonts (not like in <font fontName="Arial" pdfFontName="LucidaTypewriterRegular.ttf" ..>).


If you want to use Lucida Sans, make sure it is available in the JVM and set it as fontName as well.




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Thanks for your reply.


I do have Lucida Sans available in my web server but this font doesn't stretch.


What do I have to do to fix the stretch of the field so then the whole text can be printed.


Thanks advanced



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You need to

Make sure the font is available to Java. I don't know what you mean by "I do have Lucida Sans available in my web server".

Set as fontName in the JRXML the actual name of the font: fontName="Lucida Sans" or whatever the font name is.[/ol]




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Thanks for the reply again.


Sorry if I misunderstood you


So the font name and the pdf font name have to be the same? I'm actually having problem with pdf. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Thanks again and sorry for anything.

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The font name and the PDF font name should resolve to the same font, or to fonts having the same metrics.


This is required as the report layout (including the amount of space needed for text stretching) is computed at fill using AWT with the font specified by fontName. Hence, the text stretch height is already computed when the PDF export happens, and if the PDF font is bigger than the font used when the height was calculated, the text might not fit in the reserved height.




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