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Modifying report element properties in a scriptlet


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Prior to version 1.1, you could easily change report element properties in a scriptlet by modifying the JRElement objects obtained through the JasperReport object. This no longer works because there is a parallel set of JRFillElement objects created by the JasperFillManager that now control the output. However, you can obtain and modify these JRFillElement objects in a scriptlet, if the report elements are in a group header or footer band. This does not work for elements in the predefined bands.


The following code demonstrates how to do this:


public void beforeGroupInit(String groupName) throws JRScriptletException {
if (GROUP_NAME.equals(groupName)) {
JRFillGroup group = null;
for (int g = 0; g < groups.length; g++) {
if (GROUP_NAME.equals(groups[g].getName())) {
group = groups[g];

JRFillXXX element = null;
// group.getGroupHeader().getElementByKey(ELEMENT_KEY) doesn't work
JRElement[] elms = group.getGroupHeader().getElements();
for (int e = 0; e < elms.length; e++) {
if (ELEMENT_KEY.equals(elms[e].getKey())) {
element = (JRFillXXX) elms[e];
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Note: Once a fill element property is set, its new value remains for the rest of the report. So, if you modify a property for a special case of data, you will have to set it back for the normal cases.


I used this logic for images that I wanted to shrink to fit the constraining space if too big, but not enlarge to fit if small enough. If the image was small enough, I changed the size and position of the JRFillImage element to center the image; otherwise, I set the element to its 'default' size and position and RetainShape scaling shrank it properly.

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  • 9 months later...


I have used your method to change the default backcolor and forecolor of one element, but when I generate the report the colors are always the default colors. There are other methods to call after the "setBackcolor" and "setForecolor"?


Thank you.

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