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Trying to solve a export pdf problem


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Hi guys! I've got a problem when I export a report to pdf in my web app. I've tried using two different codes:

The first code (copied from the samples in the JasperReports project home site) was:

File reportFile = new File(application.getRealPath("/reportes/reporteDeIngresosCiudad.jasper"«»));
JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(new FileInputStream(reportFile), parameters, conn);
JRPdfExporter exporterPdf = new JRPdfExporter();
ServletOutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream();
exporterPdf.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
exporterPdf.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, outputStream);

And the second code (copied from the forum and currently used) is:

[code]File reportFile = new File(application.getRealPath("/reportes/reporteDeIngresosCiudad.jasper"«»));
JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(new FileInputStream(reportFile), parameters, conn);
byte[] bytes = JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdf(jasperPrint);
ServletOutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream();
outputStream.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length);

The codes works fine, but when the result pdf file has a small size (I think) the result page is blank.

Pd. I'm using: iReports 1.2.7; JDeveloper 10.1.2; Acrobat Reader 5.0; Internet Explorer 6

Please help me.

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Hi! Sorry, not sure about what you want to know. Like I said before, I use a outputStream to show the generated report in pdf format, because I don't want to create a file for each generated report (that's no efficient I think).

May I forgot saying that when I get a blank page (instead of my report), I press F5 button to refresh the blank page and the report appears, but that's not a the true solution, right? Anyway, that means that the jasper is compiled and generated correctly, but it is not showed when I export it.

Also, the report query can return from just one row to hundreds of rows. I'm almost sure that I have a blank page as result when the query returns a small number of rows, so the pdf result size is small too. I mean that the IExplorer or the Acrobat has a kind of bug when I try to show a small size file in a outputStream. May I have to set another parameter in the code posted before.

I'll appreciate your help!

Pd. So sorry about my english language.

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I guess you ran into the same problem than I did with Internet Explorer.


This Browser involves the file extension to recognize a specific file type. Which makes it difficult to get a pdf shown in the IE.


Usually you could set the Content-Disposition header to set the filetype that the browser suggests on saving the file.


But even then IE ignores it.


The solution:

name whatever URL you're calling to display the PDF as something ending with .pdf


I for myself renamed my Servlet producing the output as myServlet.pdf in the url-mapping in web.xml of the application. That worked.



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Hi Nick,


Sorry for that.

Let me try to write down some concrete steps.


1) I assume you already have a web.xml because you want to have your Output from a Servlet.

Go into that web.xml.

You have defined your Servlet with the following tags:







and mapped it to a URL like this:







But Internet Explorer expects that the file that it should display has a special extension appropriate for the file type (MIME). In this case, when you want to display a PDF file, IE expects that the URL ends with ".pdf" indicating a PDF file.


What you have to do:

change that url-pattern thing into:







What it does:

You call your Servlet not by http://SERVER/YourServletURL anymore but by http://SERVER/YourServletURL.pdf


As this exact url-pattern is mapped to your Servlet name, your Servlet gets called correctly.


One more step:


In your service method of the Servlet you have to set the Content-Disposition header by calling:


response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=SomeFilename.pdf").


Some browsers take this header as suggestion for a filename in case a user wants to save the file. This also presets the extension for that case.

Another Option would be to


response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=SomeFilename.pdf")


That forces the browser to show up a "Save as" Dialog proposing "SomeFilename.pdf" as filename.


I hope I could help you with this



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Thanks for your replays jjjj and jcoto.

- I'm still trying to implement jjjj's solution cause I was using a jsp page to generate the pdf report. I'm trying use a servlet instead.

- I had already tried upgrading the AcrobatReader version. As you said jcoto, it works. But I have many users for my web application here in La Paz city and other cities too. So it's not a easy way to solve my problem.

Also, it seems JasperReports has a bug here because it depends of the user layer software.

Regards, Nick.

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