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Chart help (Customizer perhaps?)


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Hello all!

I am running into some trouble trying to sort the series within each category of my bar graph. It seems that my series is not sorted as it should (Low, Medium, High, Critical) and these values had been converted from an id value in descending order of (3,2,1,0). In my subdataset input, my sql query is already ordering by category (MMM-yyyy) and by priority in descending order. It appears to me what's happening is that whatever value is drawn first on the bar graph, the report just puts it first until it encounters another one etc...that is why in my graph is showing High Low Medium Critical. Is there a way to fix this? I have started looking into writing my own class (using JRChartCustomizer) but still I cannot find a way to manipulate the data within JFreeChart's chart variable. Has anybody encountered this problem and if so how did you get around it?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Post edited by: krispyjala, at: 2007/05/17 21:55

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