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Adding search info to JRXML


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Hi, all. I'm new to Jasper, but am working on a proof-of-concept for augmenting/replacing our program's current in-house reports system.


Anyway, one problem that I've found is that our old reports system included search info. in the same XML as the formatting, e.g. "here are the fields the user can search on, and then format the output of the query thusly". JRXML only does the formatting. Our users aren't tech-savvy enough to compose their own SQL, so we have a search dialogue, which needs that info. (Can't change that, for back-compatibility reasons)


I could have two files for each report, one format and one search. Not entirely illogical, but tedious--we write new reports frequently, so if I can avoid the proliferation of files, I'd to. Instead, could I create a new type, extending the JRXML DTD via importing it with !ENTITY in my custom DTD? How would I go about parsing that? I wanted to extend the parser that Jasper uses, but it looks like that's hidden behind the JasperCompileManager. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how I might go about doing this, or alterntative approach I could use.


It's a general question, I know, but I'll accept correspondingly general answers. :)

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I am Sourav. My organization is using Jasper Report for last few months. We found that the report have so many limitations. So I personally take an initiative to develop a new fully open-source reporting tool (I call it Reporter Ray).

Whatever problem you face with Jasper and whatever modification you have done or want to do. Please mail them to me at SRay.coder@gmail.com .

Thank you.


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